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The Bande mimée - "mimed dipiction" - is a dynamic, witty and creative style of physical theatre and is characterised by language very similar to film. Not only people but also objects, architecture and elements are physically represented. The actors thus embody figures on the one hand, and on the other hand they are the scenery, while the images are created solely in the play by the moving actors. The bande mimée uses all film techniques such as close-up, wide angle, flashback, acceleration or ellipsis.

With Cuentos en escena

Latinamerican stories in Comic strips

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Cuentos en Escena is a Chilean ensemble that specialises in the style of the Bande mimée (Tira Cómica) and adds its own elements. A character in a mask leads the thread through the individual stories and a narrator's voice enriches the energetic action.
Cuentos en escena is dedicated to short stories from Latin America, Chilean history or Hispano-American biographies. The aim of Cuentos en escena is to encourage and promote reading - insebspecially among young people.
Since its founding in 2011, the ensemble has created 9 productions and, in addition to their activity on theatre stages, also performs regularly at schools, as their educational purpose/mission always falls on fertile ground and inspires young people to read, reflect and discuss.


Stories from Latinamerica

Direction: Colectivo Cuentos en escena

Company: Cuentos en escena

Ensemble: Catalina Peña, Carlos Becker, Ilan Spollansky, Leon Laviu


Julio Cortázar: La noche boca arriba

Baldomero Lillo: Inamible

Juan Rulfo: Diles que no me maten

Miguel de Cervantes: Curioso impertinente

Gabriel García Márquez: Crónica de una muerte anunciada

Biographisches Portrait von Violetta Parra

Biographisches Portrait von Manuel Rodriguez

Historische Begenbenheit aus der Geschichte Chiles: El abrazo de Maipú

Homer: Odyssee

In preparation...


Stories are also in the process of being written in Switzerland:

English short stories by Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe et al....


Compagnia Za-Zà: 

Samantha Bérubé

Annina Gieré 

Carlos Becker


©2023 by Carlos Becker

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