Actor - Theatre artist

Carlos Becker is part of various theatre companies dedicated to mask and puppet theatre. In the field of mask theatre and thus physical theatre, he has performed with expressive half-masks, character masks, primitive masks, larvae and leather masks. He also has experience in puppet and marionette theatre in various styles; he has performed with life-size puppets, muppets, as well as large and small marionettes - always made by himself.
Selected Projects
With Viajeinmóvil
La Venganza de Ricardo
Ricardo is a boy with some physical differences, apparently shy and withdrawn, and because of these characteristics he is the victim of physical and psychological abuse by his schoolmates. Richard is filled with hatred and resentment and has devised a plan for revenge. Taking the central structure of William Shakespeare's Richard III, the company Viajeinmóvil has created a family show focused on the problem of bullying and the tragic consequences that can result from it.
A play with music and almost life-size puppets.
Basiert auf Ricardo III von W. Shakespeare
Direction: Jaime Lorca y Christian Ortega
Company: Viajeinmóvil
Maskmaking: Natacha Belova, Catalina Peña y Carlos Becker.
Ensemble: Abelardo Pando, Ilan Spollansky, Carlos Becker y Catalina Peña.

With Viajeinmóvil
La Polar - the last board meeting
In June 2011, the biggest financial fraud in Chilean history broke out... the La Polar multi-store scam that affected close to a million customers, due to unilateral repayments of their debts.
Five puppets represent the multi-store's top executives, and five actors - manipulators - the company's workers: the secretary, the assistant, the cleaning lady, etc. In a mixture of fiction and reality, they will be in charge of carrying out the people's judgement on this group of thieves in collars and ties.
Based on true facts of the history of Chile
Direction: Jaime Lorca und Christian Ortega
Company: Viajeinmovil
Ensemble and maskmaking: Alfredo Allende, Carlos Becker, Leonor Marchant, Catalina Peña, Ilan Spollansky

With Colectivo Cuatro Vientos
Nómades del mar
Nómades del Mar is the second work of the Colectivo Teatral Cuatro Vientos, which aims to disseminate and celebrate the Kawésqar culture as part of Chile's intangible heritage and to promote respect for these ancestral cultures through theatre. The play for all ages is an imaginary journey to the southern regions of Chile before our time, reviving a fragment of Chile's history.
It is a puppet theatre in which objects are also manipulated and the action is shown from different perspectives. The scenographic elements are based on a material used in the craft of the Kawésqar people: Basketry, which is woven from reeds and was mainly used to collect shells. The images and spaces in which the story takes place are created by baskets of different sizes and shapes.
The story takes place at the end of the 19th century. Cafalái and Afcár are father and daughter, a small Kawésqar family group, nomads of the sea who navigate the canals of western Patagonia in their canoe. But their lives change dramatically when Salesianos missionaries lure them to Dawson Island. Afcár wants to settle in the mission to find safety and protection for her family, but Cafalái will try by all means to defend her passion for sailing and her daily life full of magic in the canals where she was born and to assert her Kawésqar identity.
On the way to resolving this family conflict, they find that their habitat is rapidly changing due to the arrival of large ships in the area, the over-exploitation of marine resources and the evangelisation of the people of Patagonia. The culture and traditions of their ancestors will be severely affected by impending changes...